

题目:One Health Modelling and Risk Assessment of the Emerging Monkeypox Transmission in Canada



主讲人: 朱怀平教授(加拿大约克大学,York University)

摘要Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis which was first identified in 1958 in a laboratory monkey. Recently it appeared in the United Kingdom and was claimed as an noticeable infectious disease. It has spread with increasing cases to non-African countries including Canada. In this talk, I will present a modelling study to assess the risk of monkeypox in Canada. Using one health approach, we establish a dynamical model to mimic the spreading of the virus in humans, rodents, and non-human primates and distinguish the human population as higher and low-risk groups. While the animal reservoir is the key element in the modelling of zoonosis disease, we will emphasize the role and transmission of the virus in high-risk group of man-to-man sexual connected humans. Using the modelling, I will present our preliminary results on the risk assessment of the virus in Canada, I will also discuss to identify public health measures that need to be enforced to contain the spread to prevent any potential emerging outbreak. We also investigate the animal monkeypox infections will exarate the monkeypox transmission risk among the population and discuss the importance of surveillance of animal infection of monkeypox to predict the possible monkeypox outbreak.

主讲人简介:朱怀平,加拿大约克大学理学院应用数学首席教授、约克大学加拿大疾病建模中心(CCDM)和约克大学并行计算与模拟实验室(LAMPS)主任。1999年获加拿大蒙特利尔大学博士学位,1999-2001年在滑铁卢大学和麦克马斯特大学、2001-2002年在佐治亚理工学院进行博士后研究,2002年加入约克大学。主要研究方向为动力系统与微分方程;分岔理论及应用;希尔伯特的16问题;数学生物学和流行病学;气候变化建模和影响研究。朱教授在国际顶级或高水平期刊上累计发表论文120余篇,被引4000余次。他研发预防和控制传染病的数学模型、理论、方法和工具为公共卫生的防控决策提供支撑,他解决了著名的希尔伯特第16问题关于幂零图周期重数有限性的问题,在国际著名的微分方程杂志(Journal of Differential Equations)上发表了单篇长达112页的论文,是目前这一领域国际著名的专家之一;曾获加拿大国家创新基金会基础创新奖、安大略省青年科学研究奖等多种奖项。作为项目负责人和主要参与者获得加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会(NSERC)、加拿大公共卫生部(PHAC)、加拿大卫生研究院(CIHR)、加拿大创新基金会(CFI)和加拿大安大略省相关部委等资助。他领导LAMPS团队建立了安大略省气候数据门户以支持安大略省和加拿大的气候行动。现在领导着加拿大NSERC-PHAC共同资助的大型创新团队项目“新兴感染的共同健康建模 (OMNI)”(资助经费250万加币)。