美国华盛顿智库经济学家Dr. Adam Hersh做报告——文理学院学术活动月系列报告(三)


文理学院报告:America’s Middle Class, Inequality and Economic Strength


报告题目:America’s Middle Class, Inequality and Economic Strength

报告人:Dr. Adam Hersh, Economist at Center for American Progress




Expertise: macroeconomics, China and other Asian economies, international economics, banking and finance, global poverty, globalization, IMF and World Bank, stock markets, trade

Adam Hersh is an Economist at American Progress focusing on economic growth, macroeconomics, international economics, and China and other Asian economies. Adam publishes articles in peer review economics journals and his writings have appeared in popular publications like The American ProspectChallenge, and a number of newspapers and online journals.

Adam earned a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Prior to joining American Progress, Adam taught macroeconomics and money and banking at UMass; was a visiting scholar at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics’ Institute for Advanced Research; worked with the Asian Development Bank, the Political Economy Research Institute, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, and the Economic Policy Institute; was a consultant to New Rules for Global Finance and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; and earned a B.A. in international political economy at the University of Puget Sound. When not keeping up on the latest global economic trends, Adam enjoys honing his Mandarin skills and cycling through Washington, D.C.
