题目:Pathogen transmission and food-safety: Insights from co-feeding transmission
腾讯会议ID: 388 317 665,无密码
摘要:The talk will start with some introduction to vector-borne pathogen transmission modeling. The focus will be on recent progress on modeling and analyzing how co-occurrence, in the spatiotemporal proximity of a host, of a susceptible vector with some infected vectors enables the pathogen transmission through a non-systemic transmission route (in collaboration with Xiaotian Wu and Xue Zhang). The talk will then try to compare this transmission route with a potential respiratory disease transmission pathway through contaminated packages of frozen foods. The audience will be invited to an interactive co-development of a potential transmission model to assess the risk of droplet-contaminated food package spread of viral diseases.
吴建宏教授于1987年在湖南大学应用数学系获得博士学位,之后在美国阿尔伯塔大学攻读博士后,现任加拿大约克大学数学统计系终身教授、加拿大首席资深工业与应用数学研究主席、约克大学工业与应用数学实验室主任、加拿大应用与工业数学学会主席、加拿大约克大学传染病模型与健康研究中心负责人,兼任本学科领域世界顶级期刊杂志编委,以及Infectious Disease Modelling和Big Data and Information Analysis杂志主编。主要从事应用数学、神经网络、工程技术及大数据分析等方面的研究,先后获得了加拿大女王钻石禧功勋章等10余项学术成就奖,主持科研项目30多项,出版专著8部,编著14部,发表高水平学术论文400多篇,具有很高深的学术造诣和深厚的国际影响力。
题目:Modelling the potential role of engineered symbiotic bacteria in malaria control
腾讯会议ID: 388 317 665,无密码
摘要:A recent experimental study suggests that the engineered symbiotic bacteria Serratia AS1 may provide a novel, effective and sustainable biocontrol of malaria. These recombinant bacteria have been shown to be able to rapidly disseminate throughout mosquito populations and to efficiently inhibit development of malaria parasites in mosquitoes in controlled laboratory experiments. In this talk, I will report a recent work in which we develop a climate-based malaria model which involves both vertical and horizontal transmissions of the engineered Serratia AS1 bacteria in mosquito population. We show that the dynamics of the model system is totally determined by the vector reproduction ratio Rv, and the basic reproduction ratio R0. If Rv<1, then the mosquito-free state is globally attractive. If Rv>1 and R0< 1, then the disease-free periodic solution is globally attractive. If Rv>1 and R0>1, then the positive periodic solution is globally attractive. Numerically, we verify the obtained analytic result and evaluate the effects of releasing the engineered Serratia AS1 bacteria in field by conducting a case study for Douala, Cameroon. We find that ideally, by using Serratia AS1 alone, it takes at least 25 years to eliminate malaria from Douala. This implies that continued long term investment is needed in the fight against malaria and confirms the necessity of integrating multiple control measures.
邹幸福教授分别在中山大学,湖南大学和约克大学(York University, Canada)获得学士,硕士和博士学位,并在维多利亚大学(University of Victoria, Canada)和佐治亚理工(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) 从事过博士后研究工作。曾任教于加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), 现为加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)应用数学系的教授。研究兴趣为微分方程和动力系统的理论及应用,特别是反应扩散方程、常泛函微分方程及偏泛函微分方程及其在生物领域的应用。在泛函微分方程与应用动力系统研究领域取得了一系列有影响的创新成果,已发表论文100余篇。现担任Applicable Analysis、Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering、Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics和Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis、International Journal of Differential Equations等SCI收录杂志的编委,Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems共同主编,曾获加拿大国家自然科学和工程基金博士后奖,Petro-Canada青年研究创新奖,安大略省长杰出研究奖,SIAM Review的SIGEST论文奖。