文理学院学术报告——Bounded weight modules over the Lie superalgebra of Cartan W-type


题目:Bounded weight modules over the Lie superalgebra of Cartan W-type

摘要:This talk is based on a joint work with Dr. Yaohui Xue(薛耀辉). Let $A_{m,n}$ be the super polynomial algebra in $m$ even variables and $n$ odd variables over the complex field, and the Witt superalgebra $W_{m,n}$ be the Lie superalgebra of superderivations of $A_{m,n}$. We classify the simple bounded weight $W_{m,n}$ modules with respect to the standard Cartan subalgebra of $W_{m,n}$. Every such module is a simple quotient of a tensor module.


地点:腾讯会议(会议号:132 536 847,密码:202009)

主讲人: 吕仁才教授(苏州大学)

主讲人简介:吕仁才,苏州大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事李代数的研究工作。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与1项。 在《 Advances in Mathematics》等SCI杂志上发表学术论文20余篇。