文理学院学术报告——Endotrivial modules for restricted Lie algebras


题目: Endotrivial modules for restricted Lie algebras

摘要: Given a finite-dimensional restricted Lie algebra (g,[p]), we let U_0(g) denote the restricted enveloping algebra of g. A U_0(g)-module M is endotrivial if End_k(M) is isomorphic to k+(proj), the direct sum of a one dimensional trivial module and a projective module. We introduce new invariants for endotrivial modules of restricted Lie algebras, called Syzygy degree. To an endotrivial module M, we define the Syzygy degree function of M and show that the function is constant.



主讲人: 常浩教授(华中师范大学)

主讲人简介: 常浩,博士,华中师范大学数学系教授, 曾赴德国基尔大学留学,主要从事模表示研究工作,主持多项国家自然科学基金项目,在国内外主流SCI期刊上发表多篇学术论文。