文理学院学术报告——Evolution of initial discontinuity for the integrable nonlinear wave equations


题目: Evolution of initial discontinuity for the integrable nonlinear wave equations

摘要: The classification of solutions to the integrable nonlinear wave equations with discontinuous initial data is considered by Whitham modulation theory. We first report our work on the complete classification of solutions to the defocusing complex modified Korteweg-de Vries (cmKdV) equation with the step-like initial condition. Then introduce our recent exploration on the Jaulent-Miodek equation with step-like initial data. It is noted that the direct numerical simulations of the defocusing cmKdV equation and Jaulent-Miodek equation are agreed well with the solutions corresponding to Whitham modulation theory, which verifies the validity of results from Whitham modulation theory.



