文理学院专家讲座通知—Modeling HIV Dynamics Under Combination Therapy


题目Modeling HIV Dynamics Under Combination Therapy



主讲人: 王稳地教授(西南大学)

摘要:First, I formulate a mathematical model that simulates the new approach to reduce persistent HIV reservoirs, where the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs are included. The basic reproductive ratio of virus is computed to extrapolate how the combinational therapy of inducers and antibodies affects the persistence of HIV infection. Further numerical simulations suggest the strategy to improve the practical treatment. 

主讲人简介王稳地,西南大学数学与统计学院二级教授、博士生导师,中国生物数学学会副理事长,享受国务院特殊津贴,2005年获得重庆市名师称号, 2018年获得重庆市最美教师称号;主要从事生物数学和应用动力系统研究,在种群动力学和传染病动力学建模和分析方面发表论文100多篇,7次入选Elsevier数学类高引用论文作者;已经主持国家自然科学基金课题7项、教育部项目2项,是International Journal of Biomathematics和Journal of Biological systems等期刊编委。
