Modeling hepatitis C virus dynamics


报告人Rong Libin(荣礼彬)美国佛罗里达大学数学系终身教授

时 间:20241129日(周五),8:20

地 点:腾讯会议:985 661 9743  密码:442996

摘要 Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remains a public health problem in the world. Traditional therapy using interferon leads to viral elimination in less than 50% of treated patients. New treatment using direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) has significantly increased the cure rate. These new DAA drugs directly interfere with different steps of the HCV life cycle. Thus, models that do not consider intracellular processes may not be optimal in analyzing data from patients treated with these drugs. In this talk, I will discuss some multi-scale models that can study HCV dynamics under therapy with new drugs. I will address model analysis, approximation, comparison with experimental data, as well as the implications for developing new treatment strategies for hepatitis C.


个人简介:荣礼彬,美国佛罗里达大学数学系终身教授。复旦大学数学学士、硕士,美国普渡大学应用数学博士;曾在美国洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)国家实验室从事博士后研究以及在美国奥克兰大学数学系和生物医学中心工作,2017年开始在美国佛罗里达大学工作。主要从事基于实际数据的宿主内病毒感染(HIV、肝炎、流感等)、治疗、耐药性、免疫反应等过程的研究,发表文章100余篇,曾获得美国能源部国家实验室的2012Leon Heller奖和2014年美国奥克兰大学Marian Wilson奖。2013年获得奥克兰大学最佳研究奖。2014年获得美国自然科学基金会资助青年教授的最高奖励---NSF CAREER Award。担任Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyMathematical BiosciencesPLoS Complex Systems等多个国际著名期刊的编委。

