文理学院学术报告——Irreducible weight modules over the Schrodinger Lie algebra in n+1 dimensional space-time


题目: Irreducible weight modules over the Schrodinger Lie algebra in n+1 dimensional space-time

摘要: In this talk, we study weight representations over the Schrodinger Lie algebra S_n for any positive integer n. It turns out that the algebra S_n can be realized by polynomial differential operators. Using this realization, we give a complete classification of irreducible weight S_n-modules with finite dimensional weight spaces for any n. All such modules can be clearly characterized by the tensor product of so(n)-modules, sl(2)-modules and modules over the Weyl algebra.


地点:腾讯会议(会议号:724 574 415,密码:202009)

主讲人: 刘根强教授(河南大学)
