Spatiotemporal patterns of a structured spruce budworm diffusive model



地点: 线上腾讯#144-356-043、密码893347;线下1C207

主讲人: 汪翔升,教授,美国路易斯安那大学拉法叶分校

题目Spatiotemporal patterns of a structured spruce budworm diffusive model

摘要:We formulate and analyze a general reaction-diffusion equation with delay, inspired by age-structured spruce budworm population dynamics with spatial diffusion by matured individuals. The model has its particular feature for bistability due to the incorporation of a nonlinear birth function (Ricker function) and a Holling type function of predation by birds. Here we establish some results about the global dynamics, in particular, the stability of and global Hopf bifurcation from the spatially homogeneous steady state when the maturation delay is taken as a bifurcation parameter. We also use a degree theoretical argument to identify intervals for the diffusion rate when the model system has a spatially heterogeneous steady state. Numerical experiments presented show interesting spatial-temporal patterns.

主讲人简介:汪翔升,美国University of Louisiana at Lafayette大学教授、博导。于2009年获得香港城市大学博士学位;2009-2013年先后在香港城市大学、加拿大York大学、Memorial University of Newfoundland大学从事博士后研究工作;主要研究渐近分析、微分动力系统、生物数学和计算数学。迄今为止已在Advances in Mathematics、J. Math. Pures Appl.、SIAM J. Control and Optimization、Studies in Applied Mathematics、JDE、JDDE、BMB、JMB、JTB、MBS等国际专业权威期刊上发表学术论文六十余篇。
