Impacts of diapause eggs on mosquito population suppression based on incompatible or sterile insect technique


时 间:2024年01月19日(周五),13:00-14:30

地 点:腾讯会议:759-517-0738;密码:654321



Mosquito-borne diseases kill more than 700, 000 people a year, and the toll continues to rise. Controlling mosquito population is the key measure to prevent mosquito-borne diseases. Releasing sterile male mosquitoes to suppress wild mosquito population is an environmentally friendly and efficient method, which has been proven to successfully eliminate wild mosquitoes in laboratory, but it is difficult to achieve such effectiveness in the field. The diapause of mosquito eggs is considered an important factor hindering mosquito population suppression. In this paper, we formulate an ordinary differential equation model to discuss the impact of diapause eggs on mosquito population suppression. We prove that there exists at most one periodic solution in our model, and obtain sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of an unique periodic solution. We give numerical simulations to confirm our theoretical results.



胡林超,广州大学数学与信息科学学院、广州大学应用数学中心副教授。 现为美国数学学会评论员。近些年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,广东省面上项目一项、广东省海外名师项目一项,主持军工横向项目一项,参与国家重点项目三项。在Nature,Current Biology,Journal of Differential Equations,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,Journal of Theoretical Biology等期刊发表科研论文多篇。

