The providing good education for our students is our final aim. It is realized by having excellent courses for teaching basic sciences. The Key courses are the primary step to set up the excellent courses. We have excellent teacher’s groups working or worked on the important task and got rich achievements.
(Key Courses supported by Shanghai Education Commission)
单位 (Department) | 课程名称 (Course Name) | 年份 (Year) | 负责人 (Organizer) |
数学(Mathematics) | 高等数学(Calculus) | 2005 | 黄维忠(Wei zhong Huang) |
概率论与数理统计(Probability & Statistics) | 2006 | 盛子宁(Zi ning Sheng) | |
线性代数(Linear Algebra) | 2008 | 张伟标(Wei biao Zhang) | |
社科 (Social Sciences ) | 思想道德修养与法律基础 | 2007 | 王红丽(Hongli Wang) |
物理(Physics) | 大学物理实验(Physical Experiment) | 2009 | 王红岩(Hong yan Wang) |
大学物理(General Physics) | 2006 | 阎明(Ming Yan) | |
艺术(Arts) | 产品设计(Goods Design) | 2009 | 何 平(Ping He) |
图形创意(Creative Graphics) | 2010 | 吴桂香(Gui xiang Wu) | |
设计材料与加工工艺(Design materials and processing technology) | 2011 | 张立(Li Zhang) | |
体育 (Physical Education) | 武术(Martial Arts) | 2007 | 方媚(Mei Fang) |
You can see the detail materials on the courses clicking here.
(Key Courses being supported by our University)
单位 (Department) | 课程名称 (Course Name) | 年份 (Year) | 负责人 (Organizer) |
数学(Mathematics) | 数学分析I-II(Mathematical analysis) | 2012-15 | 朝鲁(Chaolu) |
解析几何(Geometry analysis) | 2012-15 | 方燕(Yan Fang) | |
艺术(Arts) | 马克思主义原理(Marx principle) | 2012-15 | 颜红根(Hong gen Yan) |
(Key Courses supported by our University)
单位 (Department) | 课程名称 (Course Name) | 年份 (Year) | 负责人 (Organizer) |
数学 | 算法与数据结构教学(获改革奖) (Algorithm &Structure) | 2007 | 刘积芬(Ji fen Liu) |
信息论基础(Basis of Information Theory) | 2008 | 沈志军(Zhi jun Shen) | |
解析几何(Geometry ANalysis ) | 2009 | 方燕(Yan Fang) | |
计算方法(Computing) | 2010 | 范涛(Tao Fan) | |
数学建模(Mathematical Model) | 2011 | 张世斌(Shi bin Zhang) | |
社科 | 思想道德修养与法律基础 (Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis) | 2006 | 王红丽(Hong Li Wang) |
马克思主义原理(Marx principle) | 2007 | 颜红根(Hong gen Yan) | |
毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和 “三个代表”重要思想概论 (Thoughts of Mao, Deng and Jiang) | 2007 | 董金明(Jin ming Dong) | |
中国近代史纲要(The Concise Lecture on Chinese modern history) | 2007 | 王汝梅(Ru mei Wang) | |
公共政策分析(Public policy analysis) | 2008 | 张宏斌(Hong bin Zhang) | |
社会保障制度(Social security system) | 2009 | 赵敏(Min Zhao) | |
领导科学(Leadership Science) | 2010 | 鲍日新(Ri xin Bao) | |
中外政治思想史(Chinese and foreign history of political thought) | 2011 | 崔玉娈(Yu lan Cui) | |
物理 | 大学物理实验(Physical Experiment) | 2007 | 王红岩(Hong yan Wang) |
艺术 | 计算机辅助三维设计(Computer aided 3D design) | 2009 | 王凯(Kai Wang) |
艺术设计核心基础课程群(Art design core basic course group) | 2010 | 何平(Ping He) | |
包装设计(Packing design) | 2011 | 喻晓燕(Xiao yan Yu) | |
体育 | 足球(Foot Ball) | 2006 | 朱国祥(Guo xiang Zhu) |
武术课程群 (Martial arts courses) (综合奖) | 2007 | 方媚(Mei Fang) | |
健身、健美(Fitness, fitness) | 2007 | 黄永安(Yong an Huang) | |
乒乓球(Table tennis) | 2008 | 俞器良(Qi liang Yu) |
You can see the detail materials on the courses clicking here.