Research in Physics
Research on the Electromagnetic Field
The research group is headed by the professor Ming Sun. Their research focus on the mechanism and the application of the high voltage discharge technology, Electromagnetic compatibility and electrostatic protection and Applied Physics. Their published papers and executed projects on the fields are seen by clicking the names of leader and members in their own Web sites.
Leader Ming Sun
Members Research E-mail
Ming Sun The mech. & appl. of the high volt. Disch. Tech.,
Gefei Yu Electromagnetic compatibility and electrostatic protection
Xuewen Li Electromagnetic compatibility and electrostatic protection
Yanqiu Liu Applied physics
Theoretical Physics
The CAS Mathematics Department has a strong group working on Theoretical Physics The research group is headed by Professor Kai ming Jiang. Their published papers and executed projects on the fields are seen by clicking the names of leader and members in their own Web sites.
Leader Kai ming Jiang
Members Research E-mail
Kai ming Jiang Theoretical Physics
Rong Zhang Theoretical Physics
Hui Jiang Theoretical Physics
Fengquan Cui Theoretical Physics